vener al marcador

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vener al marcador
beat the defender/cover man
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Phonetic: "/biːt/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A stroke; a blow.

Definition: A pulsation or throb.

Example: a beat of the heart; the beat of the pulse

Definition: A pulse on the beat level, the metric level at which pulses are heard as the basic unit. Thus a beat is the basic time unit of a piece.

Definition: A rhythm.

Definition: The interference between two tones of almost equal frequency

Definition: (authorship) A short pause in a play, screenplay, or teleplay, for dramatic or comedic effect; a plot point or story development.

Definition: The route patrolled by a police officer or a guard.

Definition: (by extension) An area of a person's responsibility, especially

Definition: An act of reporting news or scientific results before a rival; a scoop.

Definition: That which beats, or surpasses, another or others.

Example: the beat of him

Definition: A precinct.

Definition: A place of habitual or frequent resort.

Definition: A low cheat or swindler.

Example: a dead beat

Definition: The instrumental portion of a piece of hip-hop music.

Definition: The act of scouring, or ranging over, a tract of land to rouse or drive out game; also, those so engaged, collectively.

Definition: A smart tap on the adversary's blade.

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Phonetic: "/biːt/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To hit; strike

Example: As soon as she heard that her father had died, she went into a rage and beat the wall with her fists until her knuckles bled.

Definition: To strike or pound repeatedly, usually in some sort of rhythm.

Example: He danced hypnotically while she beat the atabaque.

Definition: To strike repeatedly; to inflict repeated blows; to knock vigorously or loudly.

Definition: To move with pulsation or throbbing.

Definition: To win against; to defeat or overcome; to do better than, outdo, or excel (someone) in a particular, competitive event.

Example: I just can't seem to beat the last level of this video game.

Definition: To sail to windward using a series of alternate tacks across the wind.

Definition: To strike (water, foliage etc.) in order to drive out game; to travel through (a forest etc.) for hunting.

Definition: To mix food in a rapid fashion. Compare whip.

Example: Beat the eggs and whip the cream.

Definition: (In haggling for a price) of a buyer, to persuade the seller to reduce a price

Example: He wanted $50 for it, but I managed to beat him down to $35.

Definition: To indicate by beating or drumming.

Example: to beat a retreat; to beat to quarters

Definition: To tread, as a path.

Definition: To exercise severely; to perplex; to trouble.

Definition: To be in agitation or doubt.

Definition: To make a sound when struck.

Example: The drums beat.

Definition: To make a succession of strokes on a drum.

Example: The drummers beat to call soldiers to their quarters.

Definition: To sound with more or less rapid alternations of greater and less intensity, so as to produce a pulsating effect; said of instruments, tones, or vibrations, not perfectly in unison.

Definition: To arrive at a place before someone.

Example: He beat me there.

Definition: To have sexual intercourse.

Example: Bruv, she came in just as we started to beat.

Definition: To rob.

Example: He beat me out of 12 bucks last night.

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Phonetic: "/biːt/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Exhausted

Example: After the long day, she was feeling completely beat.

Definition: Dilapidated, beat up

Example: Dude, you drive a beat car like that and you ain’t gonna get no honeys.

Definition: Fabulous

Example: Her makeup was beat!

Definition: Boring

Definition: (of a person) ugly

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Phonetic: "/ði/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: With a comparative or with more and a verb phrase, establishes a correlation with one or more other such comparatives.

Example: It looks weaker and weaker, the more I think about it.

Definition: With a comparative, and often with for it, indicates a result more like said comparative. This can be negated with none. See none the.

Example: I'm much the wiser for having had a difficult time like that.

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Phonetic: "[mɛn]"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: An adult male human.

Example: The show is especially popular with middle-aged men.

Definition: (collective) All human males collectively: mankind.

Definition: A human, a person of either gender, usually an adult. (See usage notes.)

Example: every man for himself

Definition: (collective) All humans collectively: mankind, humankind, humanity. (Sometimes capitalized as Man.)

Definition: A member of the genus Homo, especially of the species Homo sapiens.

Definition: An male person, usually an adult; a (generally adult male) sentient being, whether human, supernatural, elf, alien, etc.

Definition: An adult male who has, to an eminent degree, qualities considered masculine, such as strength, integrity, and devotion to family; a mensch.

Definition: Manliness; the quality or state of being manly.

Definition: A husband.

Definition: A lover; a boyfriend.

Definition: A male enthusiast or devotee; a male who is very fond of or devoted to a specified kind of thing. (Used as the last element of a compound.)

Example: Some people prefer apple pie, but me, I’m a cherry pie man.

Definition: A person, usually male, who has duties or skills associated with a specified thing. (Used as the last element of a compound.)

Example: I wanted to be a guitar man on a road tour, but instead I’m a flag man on a road crew.

Definition: A person, usually male, who can fulfill one's requirements with regard to a specified matter.

Definition: A male who belongs to a particular group: an employee, a student or alumnus, a representative, etc.

Definition: An adult male servant.

Definition: A vassal; a subject.

Example: Like master, like man.

Definition: A piece or token used in board games such as chess.

Definition: Used to refer to oneself or one's group: I, we; construed in the third person.

Definition: A term of familiar address often implying on the part of the speaker some degree of authority, impatience, or haste.

Example: Come on, man, we've got no time to lose!

Definition: A friendly term of address usually reserved for other adult males.

Example: Hey, man, how's it goin'?

Definition: A player on whom another is playing, with the intent of limiting their attacking impact.

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Phonetic: "[mɛn]"

Part Of Speech: interjection

Definition: Used to place emphasis upon something or someone; sometimes, but not always, when actually addressing a man.

Example: Man, that was a great catch!

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